Monday, December 7, 2009

Lady Love

faith,hope,belief can all take a hike,
because today i finally found what i like,
all the people i ever knew,
never told me what is true,
to all the glowing faires in the world,
she is the lady you always wanted to be,
all the inequalities solved,
I am standing here with my heart dissolved,
lets get baptized in love and all its symbols,
lets walk hand in hand,
towards the tempest of thy hearts,
the uncharacteristic will never get what they want,
all thts scattered in and out,
youve left me without a doubt,
they will realise from time to time,
love is everywhere,
lovers are everywhere,
the truth is in her face,
happiness in her smile,
no regrets and everyone survives

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Scientific & BEYOND

Can everything in life be "scientific" ? Would a chemist give his wife a bunsen burner as a wedding gift? If a neurologist found that his wife was upset with him, would he perform a brain scan to find out what was wrong? The point is simple: Neither is life just a bunch of atoms and molecules nor is a sentient human being just an ultra-super computer. There is something higher beyond the reach of science. Isn't this worth giving a thought ???

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Last Entry

I have recently realised how frightening it is to have a life centered around love.The ones you walked hand in hand are the same who let go of you when your drowning.Watchful in their every step and eager to teach them that every boulder they come across has a message on it,now left behind for the destitute.This emotional transgression has insinuated a pain which is bellowed by the searing truth that my son dosent want to see me anymore.Branching out from life itself,human existence no longer seems to be transcendental.All that is left for me are the fading memories of my sunshine(son) and the woe to be.My love for you cannot be expressed in words maybe its like the sunflower and the sun or like the blades of green grass that never bends,i hope you understand that i have always tried.I am going to close my eyes with the strong belief that there comes a turning in everyones life when this occurs the truth can be observed with the purest of hearts and the world is then reborn in rapture.It is my final wish that there should never be a such a sight of old man left to drench in the rain at his hour of need,this is the greatest sin a man can ever commit.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Stop and Listen

A man sat at a Metro Station on a cold January morning in
2007 and started to play the violin. He played six Bach pieces for about
45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated
that thousands of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.
Three minutes passed by and a middle aged man noticed there
was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds
and then hurried up to meet his schedule.
A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar
tip: A woman threw the money in the till and without stopping,
continued to walk.
A few minutes later, a man leaned against the wall to listen
to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.
The one who paid the most attention was a 3-year old boy who stopped, but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pulled hard and the child
continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on.
In the 45 minutes that the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave money continued to walk at
their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.17.
When he finished playing and silence took over, no one
noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of
the greatest classical musicians in the world playing some of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.
The musician did not play popular tunes whose familiarity
alone might have drawn interest. That was not the test. These were masterpieces that have endured for centuries on their brilliance alone, soaring
music befitting the grandeur of cathedrals and concert halls.
This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in
the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and the priorities of people.
The questions raised - In a common place environment at an inappropriate hour:
Do we perceive beauty?
Do we stop to appreciate it?
Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?
One of the possible conclusions from this experiment could
be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made...
How many other things are we missing?


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Education !

Education can be broadly classified into four, Namely ;
1. Useful Education
2. Useless Education
3. Dangerous Education
4. Nuisance Education

Lord Sree Rama possesed all the qualities ideally a man should be seeking for, his education not only helped himself but also played a massive role in the uplipftment of the society. He destroyed ferocious anti social element Ravana thereby portraying the fact that evil can be surpassed by good.
This type of education can be referred to as USEFUL EDUCATION.

When Arjuna was passing through a forest, he was awestruck by the immense skill of archery that was being displayed by an anonymous person, daresay adroit at disposal was as prolific as Arjuna's, who himself was gifted at archery. Out of sheer curiousity Arjuna confronted that person and asked "Sir, from which university are you ? Are you from NIT ? or BITS ? Oh you are from IIT?." Reply was rather prompt, he said "I am from Drona University". Arjuna was baffled, "Sir, I am from Drona university as well, I am stayinng at the hostel, but have never seen you there, how do i understand this anomaly?" The stranger said "I am a student of Drona's Correspondence Course". You might now conceive, who I am talking about, yes it is indeed Ekalavya.
Unfortunate blend of events made Ekalavya sacrifice his thumb for Dronacaharya as "Guru Dakshina", whatever might be the reasons, the education he arduously acquired came neither to his benifit or to others, this is nothing but USELESS EDUCATION.

Caste system was profoundly prevailing at the time with which this event is associated . A young and dynamic person blessed with immense talent was looking forward to an admission into a reputed university which was tenable considering his capabilities. Caste constraints lamentfully restricted his admission which left the lad only with a distress. While he was walking out of the university premises, he was approached by a clerk enquiring reason for the grief, after having learnt what the youngster said, he demanded certain amount which we now understand by the term "bribe" and suggested him to go to the village panchayat requesting them for a fake caste certificate at some definite price. The kid dutifully follwed everything of it and finally earned himself a seat in his dream university.
Two years have passed and as expected the boy turned out to be a topper in the university, suddenly things have taken an unexpected turn and college administration found out about the illegal methods he had employed to earn himself a seat and withount a second thought was thrown out of the university. The expelled student was struck with distraught and only hatred on the society was prevailing in the young mind, at this time of crisis he was offered a helping hand by an opportunist and now, his only aim is to RETURN THE FAVOR.
Karna became an accomplice of kouravas, he used his knowledge against the "Dharma" for the destruction of the society. Certainly the education he possed is DANGEROUS, better not have educated people at all than have those who go about tearing the society apart.

I do not want to discuss NUISANCE EDUCATION as I deem it unnecessary considering the readers that visit this blog.

What kind of education are you having ?


Friday, September 18, 2009

You & I

On the earth are we,

no respect for the cause
infatuations taking a toll,
responsibilities disgorged.
overwhelming desires,
astrayed from the basics.
ought to ought not to
stand no implication
thence inflicting the nation.
Everybody thinks they are to,
shed the darkness,
being a sun, not at all
only a firefly, afterall
as insignificant as itself,
not the one definitely,
to light the seven seas.
Bookish guy
being ridiculed as a nerd
no appreciation, watsoever
for the dedication putforth
purest form of water
cursed for imparting no color.
whats before birth and whats after death?
train entering tunnel
tunnel is transition
transition is life
in the path of the train
tunnel is a mere transition.
there exists a purpose
behind every cause.
not leave,
a sign of remorse
to the ape,
that framed You and I.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Excellence" is a drive from Inside

A German once visited a temple under construction where he saw a sculptor
making an idol of God. Suddenly he noticed a similar idol lying nearby.
Surprised, he asked the sculptor, "Do you need two statues of the same
idol?" "No," said the sculptor without looking up, "We need only one, but
the first one has been damaged at the last stage."
The gentleman examined the idol and found no apparent damage. "Where is the
damage?" he asked.
"There is a scratch on the nose of the idol." said the sculptor, still busy
with his work.
"Where are you going to install the idol?"

The sculptor replied that it would be installed on a pillar twenty feet
high. "If the idol is that far, who is going to know that there is a scratch
on the nose?" the gentleman asked.
The sculptor stopped his work, looked up at the gentleman, smiled and said,
"I will know it."

The desire to excel is exclusive of the fact whether someone else
appreciates it or not.
"Excellence" is a drive from inside, not outside. Excellence is not for
someone else to notice but for your own satisfaction and efficiency...


Friday, September 11, 2009

The history of "The Vedas"

It may be asked, how were the Vedas established? What were their origins? What is their history? How were they divided and why does it seem that there are different paths to choose from within the Vedas? First of all there are two ways to answer these questions: one is to consider the theories presented by some of the contemporary scholars and
historians in regard to when the Vedas appeared, and the second way is to consider the traditional account as presented in the Vedic literature itself.

Many modern historians held the idea that it was the Aryans who invaded India in the second millennium B.C. that were the founders of the Indian culture and Vedic traditions. They say that the Aryans came from somewhere near the southern part of Russia bringing their Vedic rituals and customs with them.

This theory, however, does not hold as much weight as it used to. For example, the culture of the Indus valley, where the Aryans are said to have invaded, flourished between 3500 and 2500 B.C. The two main cities were Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. Many finds have come from the archaeological excavations from Harappa which give evidence to suggest that many aspects of later Hinduism were already a part of the early Indus valley culture. Such things have been found as images of yogis sitting in meditation, as well asmany figures of a god similar to Lord Shiva. Evidence has also been found to suggest that temple worship played a major role in daily life, which is what the Veda has prescribed as the process for attaining the greatest amount of spiritual advancement for people of that time.

Keeping in mind that the Indus valley enveloped a vast area and the cultural traits of that society continued to serve for a long time, then how could the pre-Aryan language of the Indus valley people, which is not known today, die out without leaving any trace of its existence? Maybe there actually wasn't any pre-Aryan language. And if not, if this is where the Aryan invaders were supposed to have appeared when they brought their Vedic culture with them, maybe there really wasn't any Aryan invasion, not at least the way some scholars seem to think.

Furthermore, most scholars agree that the earliest Vedic hymns seem to belong to a pre-1500 B.C. date, which means it was not necessarily invaders to had brought Vedic culture with them, since at least the oldest Vedic books, if not most of them, were already in existence by the time any invaders arrived.
Let's consider another point using nothing more than our common sense. It is generally accepted that Lord Buddha appeared about 2,500 years ago, and we know that Lord Buddha preached against the Vedas. So the Vedas had to have been existing at that time, otherwise how could he preach against them?

In fact the reason why he no longer accepted the Vedas was because many of the leading Vedic followers were no longer truly following them, but were abusing them. And any student of history knows that abuse of something takes place after there is a flourishing. So if the deterioration had reached such an extreme 2,500 years ago that people embraced Buddha's teachings, then clearly such gradual degeneration had been going on for many hundreds of years. Since the Vedas were a highly developed form of philosophy, it would indicate that they must have been in existence and quite widespread several thousand years before that. Therefore we can easily understand how old the Vedas must be.

Considering the above mentioned points, it is safe to say at this time that the migration and the homes of the Vedic people, or where and when the Vedas originally appeared, can not be proved archaeologically. Furthermore, let us not forget that it was the British Sanskritists and educators in India, during the 1700 and 1800's, who first portrayed Vedic literature and culture as something barbaric, inferior and recent.

They formed estimated dates on when different Vedic books were written according to such things as the contents of the books and style of writing. But it should be pointed out that even the Vedic tradition describes that once the Vedic knowledge had been divided and the different volumes were written, they were handed down to sages who became expert in the content of that portion of the Vedic knowledge who then continued to hand it down to others who formed sub branches of it. Thus it may look like the Vedas gradually evolved as if they had been influenced and changed by many authors over a long period of time, but actually that is not necessarily the case.

We also have to remember that for many years the Vedic literature was written on palm leaves and would have to be copied when they wrote out or when other copies were wanted. Down through the years as other copies were repeatedly made, certain conventional modifications of the script would have taken place making some scholars think their origin was more recent. But in the case of the Bhagavat Puranas, the Sanskrit text still contained the archaic form of writing, verifying its antiquity. Nonetheless, the English scholars said the author of the Purana must have purposely used the archaic script to make people think it was older than it was. Why the English proposed this sort of theory in an attempt to disqualify its ancient origins simply shows how biased they were against the Vedic literature.

The cultural prejudice was the result of deliberate undermining with the disguised intention of asserting the superiority of their own Christian-based values and outlook, as well as the perpetuation of colonial rule. This intention actually played a prominent role in the reason why they wanted the Sanskrit texts interpreted into English and to have their Christian scripture interpreted into Sanskrit. And many of the notable professors at the time had the audacity to consider themselves to be better authorities on their questionable interpretations of the Vedas than the Indian scholars.

In any case, the attempts to belittle the Vedic literature made only a minor impact. In fact by interpreting such texts, many of the notable writers and poets in the West, as mentioned in the previous chapter (chapter two of "The secret Teachings of the Vedas), were allowed to see what lofty views of the world the Vedic literature held and were indeed very impressed and influenced by them.

So where did the Vedas come from? Though modern historians may offer their many changing theories about how the Vedas were compiled and where they originated, we can see that this is their attempt to find an oversimplified key to understanding Vedic thought, or to even discredit the value of the Vedas. But they must admit that they are still unsure of their theories and lack detailed evidence for many of their opinions. In fact most historians today feel that any accurately recorded history only goes back to around 600 B.C.., and prior to this period all events and stories related in the
scriptures are simply imaginary myths and legends. This reflects and extremely narrow-minded way of looking at things. Many Vedic authorities and self-realised sages in the past have accepted the stories, as found in the Mahabharata and Puranas, to be factual, and have also attained lofty states of consciousness by following the Vedic instructions for spiritual perfection. Therefore, the best way to understand the history of how the Vedas were formed is to simply let the Vedic literature speak for itself."(Stephen Knapp. 1986. The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. Chapter three, page 28-30.)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

YSR : An Achiever

The death of a charismatic leader in the form of YSR has struck the entire nation agahst. He holds the record of not losing an election which emphatically delineates the administration of the incessant achiever.
YSR was instrumuental in bringing congress to the realm of power for the consecutive term surpassing TDP led four party grand alliance and actor-turned politician's grandly launched Prajarajyam".
It is the premature demise of this winner that lamentfully could initiate perilous voyage of the state. Owing to the political environment prevailing, it is a high probable event that the current financial minister may step up as chief minister of Andhra Pradesh for the rest of the congress tenure.
In the event of above stated possibility turning out true, it will be interesting to see whether any portfolio be held for the finance departent.
YSR was dictator in a positive sense, considering the fact congress dealt with most of the issues as a team, dictatorship to a great extent was necessary. Though there were conflicting opinions, YSR's audacity always took precedence that ultimately resulted in acquiescence.
Now the question at disposal is : Will congress raise to the occassion and continue working as a team? More appropriately, Is there a leader who can continue to make congress work as a team?
Answers awaited, hopefully not long until its too late.
YSR. May your soul rest in peace.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My heart filled with despair

My heart filled with despair
In the darkness that doesn’t end.

I am a one lost soul

Walking on the path that doesn’t bend.

As far as I can see

There is nothing but remorse.
As far as I can hear

I can hear only the cries that become worse.

I smell the rot of souls,

Plagued by greed and lust.
I sense the demon within

Without any end for its thirst.

It is the hate I hate most

Despite our efforts it comes back.
Even the wise can’t defeat it

As it is our hate that hates us back.

I have searched everywhere for an answer

But could not find it as there was none.
In the end I searched within myself

And found it as a light as bright as a sun.

The answer that could comfort the despair,
The answer could slay the greed and atone to their sin
The answer could end the war and bring peace
The answer is the love that lies within.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Not a single day would pass
with melancholy surpassed
those poor souls oppressed
ruptures oh my god long suppressed.

Day and night along the line
lies the ferocious blight wine,
black witched dark spline
aimed at knocking human spine.

Deep into the creepy night
rummaging their senses upright
ruthlessness and madness on flight
brainwashed and coerced up for a fight.

Not one certainly out of thin air
shall make them realize their original self,
only the super being of course
can nourish their souls
and steer their path to eternal peace.


Friday, August 28, 2009



I was born
I was born to be with you

In this space and time

After that and ever after I haven't had a clue

Only to break rhyme
This foolishness can leave a heart black and blue

Only love, only love can leave such a mark

But only love, only love can heal such a scar

I was born
I was born to sing for you

I didn't have a choice but to lift you up
And sing whatever song you wanted me to
I give you back my voice
From the womb my first cry, it was a joyful noise ...

Only love, only love can leave such a mark

But only love, only love can heal such a scar

Justified till we die, you and I will magnify

The Magnificent


Only love, only love can leave such a mark

But only love, only love unites our hearts

Justified till we die, you and I will magnify
The Magnificent



Courtesy : U2

Thursday, August 27, 2009

An Inspiring Video


Far aloof the world of race
accosted by the divinity of peace
curled over to prevent the slicing winds
maneuver, giving a sense of subtle tinge.

Cooing Cuckoo tearing afflictions apart
Those genuine smiles and newly born never part
Subconscious having taken over conscious
No wonder are they thy incarnation

Bashful sun guarded by armed clouds
not long, before the fire star egressed
faint blue light turning into olive rich yellow
Seemed bent on, parching the pale human skin.

Its in the midst of summer
shrewd was the nature,
apropos to flaunt its esteem.
Sun being as bright as it could ever be.
Spotless sky, offering no resistance
to the flying fauna,
fluttering their wings pursuing distant horizon.
Dare say, the creation on a roll.

There appears along the milky waterfalls,
with ferocious liquid
carving deep into the mountains
royally making its way to destiny,

The very presence provoking desire.
Aesthetically rejoicing winds.
ogling king of rocks, mesmerized.
Leaving the endurance into the blues.

Twinkling stars disgracing the sun's might
floating along the pool of skies
Symbolizing eyes of ANGEL
Finally, meaning of their existence

Smile was all,
that shattered the layers of lake,
owing to the unprecedented affluence of beauty.
Nature, having witnessed the real "SPARKLE"
felt the need to cleanse the rain, and
throttle the world with francs of purity.
The "SPARKLE" though not understood by the rest,
kept gazing at the wonder agape.

An adjective yet an awaited creation.
Not this and certainly not that,
evidently has the privilege of coining itself
to richness of the ANGEL.

Long ponders wasted
No adjective conceivable after all
Ironically, a noun, a proper noun
was eventually chosen.
A sublime finish to the riddle
and yet to no one's surprise
it is you my dear......


Swine Flu

Heartening examples brought out by "The Hindu" prove that A(H1N1) is a self-limiting disease like any other seasonal flu. People with high immunity will contract the virus and also come out of it without even realising they had been infected. The risk is high if the patients develop secondary infections or are immuno-compromised.
The most emboldening thing is that if you contract the infection once, you will not get it again in the next 40 years. Even if there is a second infection, it will be a very mild one.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Screech of my heart...

Such a great thing, don't see often
Yes, the thing he 'o' she

Out in the grand bizarre homestead

Sharing thoughts with one who's worth

Snarling with rattles as the tales unfold

Snarl only not, is felicitous though

revelations up until satiation

For the note deserving a take.

Over the dawn was it

Yes the 'it' he 'o' she

jubilation of the highest order.

luring the it for a talk

Serenity broken and fauna serenaded

whisper in its ears,

the coin of appraisal with respect to self.

It believed it 'o' no

yet the fact unknown

yes the lies ofcourse,

not obvious to it, i suppose

oh my god my lust my desire

off the shore to make an impression

off my brains falling to guilt's oppression.

It gave its hands,I took them as not just hands

gone with the thoughts that ripped my corns

for the person how ungrateful i am

wasn’t for the trust put forth

state of having committed offense

is the point of sun's egress out into blue

blue is sea and the sky is blue

and the minnow conceives what blue is of course.

To run deep wild in the fall-a little wild.

Sometimes i join them for a day or two

And see old friends i somehow can't get near to.

it always coerces me to get along

and curses for not abiding by

not me certainly a programmed bot i assure

for i have mind seizures reminding me of curse

lay upon me by the super being

explicated by a reason too embarrassing to untwine

A turn on a day out of the box

may ultimately turn the twine

to reveal the world inside me

that could leave me cremated for lives to come.

It is always alongside, cheering me up

giving a sense of pride and a film of remorse

a bargain between friendship and else

perfectionist not for sure i am

a task only be perfected by a scintillating diplomat.

I dint make it know how glad i was

promised myself to get down some day

look at the life it lived..i dont know

cant express my feelings anymore

always feel like raising my voice and raise my hand

i cannot i cannot and i cannot

has anyone ever felt so before, oh! no..only me

snow flurries and threatening storm out of doors

causing the sweat upon my throat slid down to my chest

giving pounding heart a sense of tingle

not a sigh of relief i am afraid.
