In the darkness that doesn’t end.
I am a one lost soul
Walking on the path that doesn’t bend.
As far as I can see
There is nothing but remorse.
As far as I can hear
I can hear only the cries that become worse.
I smell the rot of souls,
Plagued by greed and lust.
I sense the demon within
Without any end for its thirst.
It is the hate I hate most
Despite our efforts it comes back.
Even the wise can’t defeat it
As it is our hate that hates us back.
I have searched everywhere for an answer
But could not find it as there was none.
In the end I searched within myself
And found it as a light as bright as a sun.
The answer that could comfort the despair,
The answer could slay the greed and atone to their sin
The answer could end the war and bring peace
The answer is the love that lies within.
i do not have that poetic simple word and widely used adjectives i can admire it as awesome.