Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Children of men

Krinij, the only son of Arjun and Krupa, is a blend of sheer innocence and purity like any other eight year old; poetically, a pool that reflects the entire no defect sky emphatically defines his guiltless character.
In this world, parents have been enthroned an elite position by god calling them “the creators”. It is thus the responsibility of the two to provide a loving and amicable atmosphere for the child to foster.
Unfortunately, Krinij wakes up everyday amidst altercations that have long formed a routine between his parents. The boy stares despondently at his dad brutally whipping his mother. Never the young mind could conceive the reason behind his father’s wildly actions. He often was beaten up bloodily for things that can be called utterly petty. Cigarette burns seen all over his bland skin, constantly making him a victim of the beast in human form.
One day, he goes to bed with all the pains much beyond the endurance levels of the poor child with his mother sitting by his side applying an ointment, sobbing heavily at the same time. Krinij innocently asks “Why mama, dad is so bad? Why is that he always beats us up?” Mother gives nearly an abortive attempt to prevent her tears from tumbling down, replies to her beloved child staring at his blue eyes running her hands through his hair, “Daddy is not a bad person my dear, he is mentally ill, it will take some time before he is back to normal. Once he is completely cured, he will play with you, buy you chocolates and shall give you everything that you may ask for” saying so, she embraces him taking his head and pressing it against her bosom. The kid then slowly raises his head, just enough to make eye contact with his mother and asks “so mummy, dad is never going to hurt us again after he is well. Is he?” Now, mother unable to understand why she had to find herself in such an awful predicament, weeps even harder hugging her child tightly, kissing him all over and finally, rests her chin over his head with her arms curled around him.
Knirij heard nothing from her mother thereof. It was not long before he realized she was no more and he is left in this material world with a challenge of fighting the battle of life all ALONE.

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