Friday, September 18, 2009

You & I

On the earth are we,

no respect for the cause
infatuations taking a toll,
responsibilities disgorged.
overwhelming desires,
astrayed from the basics.
ought to ought not to
stand no implication
thence inflicting the nation.
Everybody thinks they are to,
shed the darkness,
being a sun, not at all
only a firefly, afterall
as insignificant as itself,
not the one definitely,
to light the seven seas.
Bookish guy
being ridiculed as a nerd
no appreciation, watsoever
for the dedication putforth
purest form of water
cursed for imparting no color.
whats before birth and whats after death?
train entering tunnel
tunnel is transition
transition is life
in the path of the train
tunnel is a mere transition.
there exists a purpose
behind every cause.
not leave,
a sign of remorse
to the ape,
that framed You and I.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Excellence" is a drive from Inside

A German once visited a temple under construction where he saw a sculptor
making an idol of God. Suddenly he noticed a similar idol lying nearby.
Surprised, he asked the sculptor, "Do you need two statues of the same
idol?" "No," said the sculptor without looking up, "We need only one, but
the first one has been damaged at the last stage."
The gentleman examined the idol and found no apparent damage. "Where is the
damage?" he asked.
"There is a scratch on the nose of the idol." said the sculptor, still busy
with his work.
"Where are you going to install the idol?"

The sculptor replied that it would be installed on a pillar twenty feet
high. "If the idol is that far, who is going to know that there is a scratch
on the nose?" the gentleman asked.
The sculptor stopped his work, looked up at the gentleman, smiled and said,
"I will know it."

The desire to excel is exclusive of the fact whether someone else
appreciates it or not.
"Excellence" is a drive from inside, not outside. Excellence is not for
someone else to notice but for your own satisfaction and efficiency...


Friday, September 11, 2009

The history of "The Vedas"

It may be asked, how were the Vedas established? What were their origins? What is their history? How were they divided and why does it seem that there are different paths to choose from within the Vedas? First of all there are two ways to answer these questions: one is to consider the theories presented by some of the contemporary scholars and
historians in regard to when the Vedas appeared, and the second way is to consider the traditional account as presented in the Vedic literature itself.

Many modern historians held the idea that it was the Aryans who invaded India in the second millennium B.C. that were the founders of the Indian culture and Vedic traditions. They say that the Aryans came from somewhere near the southern part of Russia bringing their Vedic rituals and customs with them.

This theory, however, does not hold as much weight as it used to. For example, the culture of the Indus valley, where the Aryans are said to have invaded, flourished between 3500 and 2500 B.C. The two main cities were Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. Many finds have come from the archaeological excavations from Harappa which give evidence to suggest that many aspects of later Hinduism were already a part of the early Indus valley culture. Such things have been found as images of yogis sitting in meditation, as well asmany figures of a god similar to Lord Shiva. Evidence has also been found to suggest that temple worship played a major role in daily life, which is what the Veda has prescribed as the process for attaining the greatest amount of spiritual advancement for people of that time.

Keeping in mind that the Indus valley enveloped a vast area and the cultural traits of that society continued to serve for a long time, then how could the pre-Aryan language of the Indus valley people, which is not known today, die out without leaving any trace of its existence? Maybe there actually wasn't any pre-Aryan language. And if not, if this is where the Aryan invaders were supposed to have appeared when they brought their Vedic culture with them, maybe there really wasn't any Aryan invasion, not at least the way some scholars seem to think.

Furthermore, most scholars agree that the earliest Vedic hymns seem to belong to a pre-1500 B.C. date, which means it was not necessarily invaders to had brought Vedic culture with them, since at least the oldest Vedic books, if not most of them, were already in existence by the time any invaders arrived.
Let's consider another point using nothing more than our common sense. It is generally accepted that Lord Buddha appeared about 2,500 years ago, and we know that Lord Buddha preached against the Vedas. So the Vedas had to have been existing at that time, otherwise how could he preach against them?

In fact the reason why he no longer accepted the Vedas was because many of the leading Vedic followers were no longer truly following them, but were abusing them. And any student of history knows that abuse of something takes place after there is a flourishing. So if the deterioration had reached such an extreme 2,500 years ago that people embraced Buddha's teachings, then clearly such gradual degeneration had been going on for many hundreds of years. Since the Vedas were a highly developed form of philosophy, it would indicate that they must have been in existence and quite widespread several thousand years before that. Therefore we can easily understand how old the Vedas must be.

Considering the above mentioned points, it is safe to say at this time that the migration and the homes of the Vedic people, or where and when the Vedas originally appeared, can not be proved archaeologically. Furthermore, let us not forget that it was the British Sanskritists and educators in India, during the 1700 and 1800's, who first portrayed Vedic literature and culture as something barbaric, inferior and recent.

They formed estimated dates on when different Vedic books were written according to such things as the contents of the books and style of writing. But it should be pointed out that even the Vedic tradition describes that once the Vedic knowledge had been divided and the different volumes were written, they were handed down to sages who became expert in the content of that portion of the Vedic knowledge who then continued to hand it down to others who formed sub branches of it. Thus it may look like the Vedas gradually evolved as if they had been influenced and changed by many authors over a long period of time, but actually that is not necessarily the case.

We also have to remember that for many years the Vedic literature was written on palm leaves and would have to be copied when they wrote out or when other copies were wanted. Down through the years as other copies were repeatedly made, certain conventional modifications of the script would have taken place making some scholars think their origin was more recent. But in the case of the Bhagavat Puranas, the Sanskrit text still contained the archaic form of writing, verifying its antiquity. Nonetheless, the English scholars said the author of the Purana must have purposely used the archaic script to make people think it was older than it was. Why the English proposed this sort of theory in an attempt to disqualify its ancient origins simply shows how biased they were against the Vedic literature.

The cultural prejudice was the result of deliberate undermining with the disguised intention of asserting the superiority of their own Christian-based values and outlook, as well as the perpetuation of colonial rule. This intention actually played a prominent role in the reason why they wanted the Sanskrit texts interpreted into English and to have their Christian scripture interpreted into Sanskrit. And many of the notable professors at the time had the audacity to consider themselves to be better authorities on their questionable interpretations of the Vedas than the Indian scholars.

In any case, the attempts to belittle the Vedic literature made only a minor impact. In fact by interpreting such texts, many of the notable writers and poets in the West, as mentioned in the previous chapter (chapter two of "The secret Teachings of the Vedas), were allowed to see what lofty views of the world the Vedic literature held and were indeed very impressed and influenced by them.

So where did the Vedas come from? Though modern historians may offer their many changing theories about how the Vedas were compiled and where they originated, we can see that this is their attempt to find an oversimplified key to understanding Vedic thought, or to even discredit the value of the Vedas. But they must admit that they are still unsure of their theories and lack detailed evidence for many of their opinions. In fact most historians today feel that any accurately recorded history only goes back to around 600 B.C.., and prior to this period all events and stories related in the
scriptures are simply imaginary myths and legends. This reflects and extremely narrow-minded way of looking at things. Many Vedic authorities and self-realised sages in the past have accepted the stories, as found in the Mahabharata and Puranas, to be factual, and have also attained lofty states of consciousness by following the Vedic instructions for spiritual perfection. Therefore, the best way to understand the history of how the Vedas were formed is to simply let the Vedic literature speak for itself."(Stephen Knapp. 1986. The Secret Teachings of the Vedas. Chapter three, page 28-30.)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

YSR : An Achiever

The death of a charismatic leader in the form of YSR has struck the entire nation agahst. He holds the record of not losing an election which emphatically delineates the administration of the incessant achiever.
YSR was instrumuental in bringing congress to the realm of power for the consecutive term surpassing TDP led four party grand alliance and actor-turned politician's grandly launched Prajarajyam".
It is the premature demise of this winner that lamentfully could initiate perilous voyage of the state. Owing to the political environment prevailing, it is a high probable event that the current financial minister may step up as chief minister of Andhra Pradesh for the rest of the congress tenure.
In the event of above stated possibility turning out true, it will be interesting to see whether any portfolio be held for the finance departent.
YSR was dictator in a positive sense, considering the fact congress dealt with most of the issues as a team, dictatorship to a great extent was necessary. Though there were conflicting opinions, YSR's audacity always took precedence that ultimately resulted in acquiescence.
Now the question at disposal is : Will congress raise to the occassion and continue working as a team? More appropriately, Is there a leader who can continue to make congress work as a team?
Answers awaited, hopefully not long until its too late.
YSR. May your soul rest in peace.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My heart filled with despair

My heart filled with despair
In the darkness that doesn’t end.

I am a one lost soul

Walking on the path that doesn’t bend.

As far as I can see

There is nothing but remorse.
As far as I can hear

I can hear only the cries that become worse.

I smell the rot of souls,

Plagued by greed and lust.
I sense the demon within

Without any end for its thirst.

It is the hate I hate most

Despite our efforts it comes back.
Even the wise can’t defeat it

As it is our hate that hates us back.

I have searched everywhere for an answer

But could not find it as there was none.
In the end I searched within myself

And found it as a light as bright as a sun.

The answer that could comfort the despair,
The answer could slay the greed and atone to their sin
The answer could end the war and bring peace
The answer is the love that lies within.